Blog — Optimism

If this were the Oscars, I'd get dragged off

Wow. Yesterday. I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to do this right now - SO exhausted but let's try. Where to start?As you may know, I had received an incredible opportunity about 1.5 weeks ago to participate in a local art show, RAW. It's an international show that comes to various cities. This one broke all Ottawa records in ticket sales and it was packed! Thank you to all who contributed on my part, for braving the downpour (and the crazy line up to get in apparently?!?!), for showing your support, for staying up late on a school night,...

I matter or not matter, that is the Question

I've been noticing a lot of comments coming my way recently about how I'm an inspiration, how strong I am, and how people are so happy they met me. I'm shocked. Utterly shocked. And I'm not just saying that to be modest or humble. Honestly, I sit there and listen to different people's stories and the things people have to overcome and I feel incredibly lucky. Yes, I've had curve balls come my way, and yes, I've dealt with them the way I have, but I don't think I'm anything special because of it. Truly. I actually tear up every...

Onwards and upwards!

"Thank you for standing up and being a voice" "Thank you for being brave" "Thank you for inspiring me to try my hand again at what makes me happy" "You are an inspirational woman" "I feel I've been so alone and I can't believe there are people who understand" "I'm so happy I found you" My email, Facebook messages, and phone in general have been exploding the last few days. And almost every single message has made me cry, so beautiful. Thank you.So far the video postedĀ online on the Ottawa Citizen has over 40K views, and now it's on theĀ front...

Negativity vs Realism?

May Mutter

Comments 4 Tags Acceptance, Concussion, Giving up, Optimism, PCS, Support

Wow. I had a topic for a post so I finally decided to come and write another post 10 months later - I've been avoiding my website since my big post in September. After everything I try to bring awareness to, I was still embarrassed by the bluntness and boldness of my previous topic. I basically felt like an ostrich with its head in the sand - if I avoid the website and the blog, it's like it didn't happen. I just got around to reading some of the comments people left and it left me in tears. I don't...


May Mutter

Comments 8 Tags Concussion, Giving up, Optimism, PCS, Suicide

There's quite the topic for today. Yesterday was the first time any such thoughts have ever crossed my mind. I have debated throughout most of my sleepless night whether I will go public with it as it is such a personal experience. As you can see, I decided to go through with it, and here's why: lately, I've noticed a lot of posts in our TBI Tribe group regarding suicide. Everything from posts about giving up and not being able to deal anymore, to straight up "farewells". It made me realize how big this topic is for people in my...